DV Lottery to Begin on October 2, 2012
September 19, 2012
The U.S. Department of State has announced that it will launch its annual Diversity Immigrant Visa Program (DV-2014) in less than two weeks. Online registration will begin at noon Eastern time on Tuesday, October 2 and will conclude at the same time on Saturday, November 3. The State Department recommends early entry in the lottery rather than waiting until the final week of the registration period.
This year, Guatemala has been added to the list of countries whose nationals are eligible to enter the lottery (if they meet certain requirements). Meanwhile, natives of the following countries are not eligible to apply because each of these countries sent a total of more than 50,000 immigrants to the United States in the past five years: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China (mainland-born), Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, South Korea, United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland) and its dependent territories, and Vietnam. Individuals born in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are eligible.
Instructions, requirements and translations, as well as a complete list of the countries whose nationals are eligible, are available here (PDF).
The congressionally mandated program provides an opportunity for nationals of certain countries with low rates of immigration to the United States to enter a lottery of sorts. The winners, drawn randomly from a pool of entrants who meet strict eligibility requirements, may be eligible to process for lawful permanent residence. This year's program will make 50,000 diversity visas available.